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The Palazzina di caccia di Stupinigi


Waiting for spring or summer, when it is possible to walk in the greenery, we have decided to continue the tours among the architectural gems of Turin and its province.

Today we will tell you about the Palazzina of Stupinigi, one of the Residences of the Royal House of Savoy dedicated to hunting and festivities. We will tell you how the origin of the Palazzina were linked to the amusement and how, today, it is the scenario for a perfect and realistic jump in the past, hosting important temporary and permanent exhibitions.

The construction work of the Palazzina of Stupinigi, started in 1798 and was commissioned by Victor Amadeus II of Savoy, for leisure activities, including hunting, the favorite hobby of royals. A pavilion with a few apartments suitable for short breaks, for the duration of hunting trips, has nothing to do with the majesty and ambition of the project of the Royal Residence of Venaria Reale.

However, over the years, the theme of simplicity was slowly abandoned, until the construction of the building that we can visit today, characterized by a sumptuous pavilion dome painted in blue with gold profiles, by frescoed halls which tell the story of the myth of Diana (goddess of hunting and protector of the woods), by a park and the long straight avenue at the entrance, which in the original project allowed to reach the center of the city of Turin.

The visit itinerary allows you to see the Palazzina in all its extension. Starting from the central hall – the heart of the Residence – from which it is possible to see the four arms of Saint Andrew’s Cross, whose center is identified by the sumptuous crystal chandelier, up to the apartments of the King and Queen, of which the frescoes are preserved, the wainscotings and decors that undoubtedly enrich the rooms. Finally, it is possible to reach the eastern apartments of the Dukes of Chiablese and the western apartments of King Carlo Felice, up to the Stables and the Citroniere (The Citroniera consists of a large vaulted room, a gallery, whose original function was to store citrus fruits in winter).

In perfect harmony with the wildlife spirit that followed us throughout the visit, until 22 May 2022 the Palazzina hosts Animals of Steve McCurry , a world-famous photographer known for his portrait of the Afghan Girl. There are numerous activities designed for families, among which we suggest “Birdwatching, in Palazzina!”, a walk with a birdwatching laboratory, guided by an ornithologist, to discover birds, their songs and their habitats.

In short, spending a day at the Palazzina di caccia di Stupinigi is a way to satisfy everyone’s tastes: people fond of history, arts and animals but also the little ones, thanks to the numerous and varied activities designed for them (how to forget the event “Christmas is Real” described in the previous article).


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